At Healing Acupoints, our patients can also benefit from your BioMat’s powerful and therapeutic effects, either alone or in conjunction with acupuncture treatments. The BioMat is a FDA Registered Class II medical device that uses far infrared and negative ion technology, including a concentrated layer of super conducting amethyst crystals to convey healing rays as deep as seven inches into the body. This deep penetrative heat stimulates organs and allows the body to heal and regenerate itself. Recent research indicates far infrared light speeds healing by promoting tissue regeneration. Modern science indicates that there are measurable properties in amethyst’s unique physical characteristics, including its piezoelectric properties, which allow it to carry both a negative and a positive charge simultaneously.
Many have experienced numerous benefits, including:
- Improved immune system function
- Improved circulation
- Pain relief
- Increased metabolism and weight control
- Easing of joint pain and stiffness
- Stress and fatigue reduction
- Improved skin health
- The removal of bodily toxins and detoxification
- Overall feeling of balance
Read more on the research and benefits of the BioMat here.
To schedule a BioMat treatment, click here.