Spicy ginger rootThe temperatures are dropping and the cold and rainy weather of fall and winter are starting to creep in. This is the time of year to hibernate, cozy up and try to stay warm. According to Chinese medicine, nothing may be better for warming yourself up from the inside than the food that you eat. Consuming warming spices like ginger and turmeric can help balance the Yin energy which is considered the cold, dark, slow energy that is predominant during the colder months. In addition to warming spices, consuming seasonal root vegetables and bone broths can help facilitate energy balance, defense against illnesses that run rampant in the wintertime, and help conserve energy.

This is the season where cold and flu viruses become a major problem. People are busy bustling around preparing for the holiday season while germs circulate where people congregate in public places. People are stressed out which can also compromise the immune system, It’s important to arm yourself against the havoc that the busy, stressful, germy season can wreak on your health. In addition to taking basic health precautions like following proper handwashing guidelines and using hand sanitizer, taking extra care when preparing meals with the right ingredients can make a big difference in how you fare this season.

Foods like pears, apples, squashes, winter greens, mushrooms, and others have life-giving nutrients that can help facilitate the circulation of good energy in your body. Other foods that can help warm the kidneys are beans, broths cooked with bones, chestnuts, walnuts and more. Spices like black sesame seeds, nutmeg, clove, turmeric, and ginger can also be instrumental in helping a number bodily systems. Ginger not only tastes fantastic in foods, it can be particularly beneficial to use in cooking during cold months.

Here are some reasons why ginger should be considered a must-have during the fall and winter:

  • Offers a natural immune booster that has been used for thousands of years
  • Contains anti-inflammatory compounds called ‘gingerols’ that protect against diseases and cancers.
  • Provides aromas that have been shown to reduce stress.
  • Helps facilitate and aid digestion.
  • Rids the lungs and sinuses of toxins.
  • Reduces nausea and stomach upset.
  • Provides relief for coughs and respiratory issues.
  • Clears nasal congestion.
  • Prevents strokes and heart attacks.
  • Helps to alleviate the pain of migraine headaches.
  • Reduces fever.
  • Helps relieve muscle aches and pains.

To help you prepare for the season, we have included two delicious and healthy ginger recipes:

Chinese Ginger Health Tea


2 cups water

8 slices ginger

2 Tbsp dried longan pulp

1.5 Tbsp brown sugar, or to taste

1 slice lemon


Rinse the ginger and slice. Rinse the longan pulp and drain well. Pour water in a heavy pot and add ginger and longan. Cook over medium-high heat until it boils. Reduce the heat and simmer for about 10 minutes. Stir in brown sugar and cover. Turn off the heat but don’t remove the lid. Let it stand for 20 minutes. Serve with a fresh lemon wedge or add honey for extra sweetness.

Delicious Ginger Broth

You can make your own simple ginger broth to sip on this season by starting with water and adding garlic, onions, carrots, celery, and of course ginger. Let it simmer for an hour, strain it, and add sautéed onions and ginger. Delicious and very simple!

To learn more about how acupuncture can help with your overall health and diet, call 832.282.3306 or email us today.